Saturday, October 27, 2012

#311 exhausted.

i am thoroughly exhausted today, and this is evident from the throbbing headache that i am currently nursing. along with the nausea that i am feeling as well (due to the headache) as well as the flu. sleep debt is currently still sky high and i have lots of work due soon.

this is extremely worrying :(

i feel like i'm not suited for university life at all, what with the lack of capabilities to cope with everything simultaneously.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

#310 Taylor Swift!

just watched a half hour video of Taylor Swift performing in Las Vegas for iHeart Radio! so super awesome i wish i was there.. she sings live really well compared to other singers, seriously. and you can tell that it's live singing haha it's the unedited kind of voice..

watched this Xfactor performance on the way back from school yesterday, it's this group of young girls who joined together but got grouped together and they sang Impossible. harmonies were beyond awesome and they were so very good! oh, channel 5 showed them yesterday too. they were the last performance :) andrea and i felt that they were so damn good.

sigh i'm supposed to be studying and not wasting time doing other stuff.. but am heading out to meet nick soon! gonna have BnJ later since i have the free vouchers to redeem^^

i hope that the next few weeks will be kind to me; i have wayyyy too much on my plate now what with upcoming presentations and pending projects. everything is squished right at the back of the semester, unlike most people who suffered already.

by typing all those, i feel screwed already :/

Saturday, October 6, 2012

#309 Taken 2

watched Taken 2 with the east siders who reside in block 50.

it was all planned yesterday, and tickets were booked really quickly. esmond ALMOST booked them for yesterday but luckily he double checked + raquel was intently looking at the bookings!

this morning i woke at 0715, met Bon downstairs and walked over to mrt to meet derrick. then we embarked on the long train ride together :( hate it so much, i really CANNOT imagine not staying in hall. if i don't stay in hall + the rest of them do, i would totally squat! can't bear the journey to and fro every single day, especially if i have to do it alone.

headed back to hall in the afternoon and napped in bao yi's room! haven't seen her in.. a week? haha it's probably because we see each other every single day, but i feel like i've known them forever.

really appreciate the company with them :))

left hall at 530, and we went back for dinner at.. Kung Fu Paradise. because everywhere else was FULL. annoying maximum.

Taken 2 was disappointing. the first movie was MUCH better; this one was a literal drag i swear. was sitting between Derrick and Bon: D was making fun of the movie with Nash on one side, B was using his phone quite a lot throughout. only bao yi liked the movie hahaha.

got the lazy pig to walk to mrt and home today! achievement unlocked HAHA. and we didn't play bridge though we were in the same room together this afternoon! another achievement unlocked!^^