HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! but i'm a day late, shucks :(
short summary of 2010: end of holidays which we had no work to do, Olevel results, 2 wonderful chalets, choosing of JC, entering MJ, orientation, 10S111, choir, being forced to do tutorials, knew th 5 of you, failed all my subjects, random shopping trips/outings, studying outside alot (equals to no studying), J1 bash, cheerleading, impt day on June 17th, another on 4Aug & 7Dec, more outings, cable TV, LOTS of PW, slacking despite everyone was working damn bloody hard before promos, scraping promos cos i was lucky, christmas w you :) and of cos NYE sleepover!
okay i wanted to put in chronological order but i think i missed out a few here and thr, and also mixed them up:X
hope everyone has made their resolutions! i NEED to stick to mine this year, cos its such and impt year damn. i really really NEED to pull through this year and do well for everyth by setting my heart and soul to it!
I WILL STUDY REALLY HARD. MORE THAN THE TOTAL THT I'VE EVER STUDIED. (i wanted to say more than i ever did but i realise i nv studied alot at one go before-.-)
i will have a better character, and be more family oriented cos i've neglected things at home lots of times before :(
& i will be a better friend too, and support my friends who need it :)
[end of resolutions for now]
spent NYE till NY w Eugeny & Cheryl! slept at 6 woke up at 8plus.. come to think of it, WHY DID WE WAKE UP SO EARLY?? cos of tht when i reached home i couldn't help but napped for another 4 hrs.
went Bedok Point for th first time ever on NYD too i wonder how isit ever going to survive cos thr's only food inside. so much competition among one another sure close down lah they shld have more retail! only B1 looks like its part of a mall! haha.
anw i'm definitely just hoping tht 2011 would be great, but it'll suck cos everyone else will turn 18 before me ZZZZ. tht sucks so so bad.
hoping tht 2011 will be great for everyone too esp all my loved ones :D
oh, and June will mark yet another year!♥
okay shall stop here now i need to do work yknow i haven't touched econs math AT ALL omg pretty screwed. not done w th rest either how how??
SHALL STICK TO MY RESOLUTION: TO WORK HARD. shall try to do a little now, after i bathe and watch tv maybe? heehee :D