anw i'm really giving up on math alr i guess. my definition of giving up is not th same as how other people see it. most people are like halfway through whatever revision, and cos they don't have enough time/no confidence, they say they give up on tht subj but get back a PASS. perhaps its not enough for them huh, but its def enough for me please.
math=no chance of passing unless a miracle happens which i don't think will:/
well and its not like i'll do well for other subjs. i'm not giving them up yeah i'll try my best to finish studying, really! all i hope for is tht i can pass :)
truly, madly, deeply.
anw i don't regret th time spent out hehe i had fun whooo.
oh and its just plain weird tht i saw random tweets (if you're reading its prob not yours) mentioning tht they don't mug and all blablabla haha they are just dweebs please who doesn't have to mug in jc huh come on don't act :)
we will survive the seemingly unending torture alright, all of us tgt :) wow, what an optimistic statement hehe this post seems to have lots of positives!
anwz, like what jinni blogged: 'MBT is gonna be the last wake up call for me' IT WILL BE.
need to fulfill what i set to do, starting naoooz. okay maybe after i sleep. so sleepy :(
hoping tht i'm not lulled into a false sense of security..