just came home from Source Code! good movie :))
but i'm DAMN FULL RIGHT NOW. like seriously damn full cos of Garrett's caramel popcorn which tastes like Werther's imo. we shared a freakin SMALL okay, not even like the LARGE one we had previously. SMALL SMALL SMALL. couldn't finish+i'm feeling sick naooooz :(
lots of work not completed, and thr's math test tmr but i'm not even bothering to read through my head and body feel so stuffed w popcorn i swear. head. hurts. like. hell. w. t. s. damn there's 2.4 tmr i wna get A, its gonna be the last napfa event of my LIFE i wna do it properly!! but i haven't ran since the last time we were made to run.. so.. HOW SIA.
hope for da bezzzz!
anw tdy was good, took some of my doubts away i guess. but i still cnnt stop myself from thinking so much uh, damnnnnn my head. maybe tht's why i've been getting my headaches O.O
kk shall go drink some vitagen to facilitate digestion in my body, and lots of water to clear the high glucose level hopefully it goes back to normal soon cos i feel like the glucose level is maximum right now urgh why did i eat so much!!