Sunday, May 8, 2011

#202 wholeheartedness

wheeeeeeee haha tdy was good :) productive day! like, not in terms of work lah didn't do anyth at all but had fun! went for a swim too but nv turn black heehee cos thr was shade just naiseee :)

had a fulfilling talk, and thr's things tht i have to achieve uh. hope i do it properly and tht things get better!!

uhhhhz, sigh needa get started on work alr. i need to really be motivated and turn on my engine which idk is thr or not hopefully it is or else i'm so screwed!! :'( no self pity uh it sounds b.s, no point whatsoever i think so i shall not be tht way just gna striveee as hard as i can.

shall do everyth w an open heart, and as wholeheartedly as i possibly can! so important now i hope i can do ittt. shall be determined and push my limits, cannot be so cui and give up on myself easily. need to rly just try hard. there's no second chance.