anw, just finished watching Up again :')
and and i only just realised that there are only 10 of us left in LT4 for chem lecs. Jinni, Elis, Chantalle: WE MUST GO TO LT5 AFTER MIDS OKAY!!
fri was a badddd day cos i felt so damn horrible i wanted to vomit, had headache and tummyache toooo. worst thing on friday: I COULDN'T NAP EVEN THOUGH I WAS ON MY BED W EYES CLOSED FOR AN HOUR WTH. worst feeling in life ever. want to sleep so badly but cannot. plus, PIA GOT OUSTED WTF SO ANGRY i am not going to watch american idol anymore zz the whole results thing must have been rigged or sth. yeah so tht's why my friday was so damn horrible :(
sat crashed at nick's for awhile, then headed to tamp then jo's hse for prac haha super dumb please we barely sang anyth hehe!! just talked. and talked some more.
okay and tdy i've just officially wasted the whole entire day urgh. still need to do AQ, summary, abit of chem MCQ, math assignment (parts tht idk) blabla............ i only plan to finish AQ tnight haha.
anw felt so so so horrible last night and the night before cos of sth else also SIGH. so irritating i wish the feeling will just go away :< and Chantalle alw the one i rant to uh thanks haha. i super bipolar lor anw, resolved and 5min ltr couldn't take it alrr! :D: