can't really believe it's over, but well.. it is! it seems surreal tbh, hope things just turn out well from now onwards. so many plans but so little time actually, hope tht everyth tht i wna do gets done! :)
gna plan this hols well and not waste these 2 months on stuff tht are unimportant. shall get a job after........ having fun :D but i really want the moolah, so what to do? :( oppt costs man, oppt costs. 24 hrs a day, def not enough!
just thinking tht these 2 weeks will just zoom fly past so so so quickly! first week aft As will just be hype and nonsense, then aft tht will be Taiwan! (eggcited ttm!!) but i think upon returning thr'll be a few days to just chill, then christmas will be here! super looking forward!
RANDOM: before i headed out for bio mcq, my mum said tht all of us JC kids entered JC w only thoughts and prayers tht this day would just come already and we can finally be free. so true. but now come to think of it, the rest of our lives will probably get tougher, as decisions have to be made. this break shld thus be cherished greatly by us to rest so tht we can move on to do all our respective great things in life :)
okay am going to sleep soon even though i wanted to stay up till 5am to watch shows/play xbox.