waiting for lunch now. oh it seems that Rachel is done the moment i start blogging-.-
back from lunch now! meeting Euge later but she has to stay back for her meeting sighhhh i gotta wait so long for her shall stay back to use computer for awhile and leave same time as Rachel :)
can't wait to buy new things! but my budget is soooo tight that i can't even afford anything much i think. i'm just going to make myself sad later only, when i see all the things that i want but can't afford..
Jinni and I are 2 broke girls. like the show. and yet we still want to buy more stuff.
and people apply for internships 6 months beforehand, for a 2-4 week internship, unlike me. i am applying for it about 2-3 weeks before oh dear.
am supposed to be keying invoices but i'm currently having a headache why oh why :( i want to enjoy later and have fun. and hopefully sleep early tonight- i am sooooo sleepy today. didn't sleep well last night.
at least last night was quite productive. i finished everything on my to-do list that i drafted on a post-it note.. one university application down, 2 more to go. and lots more applications that i cannot screw up already. STB has rejected me already which means that most likely Keppel has too le sigh.
this post is really random but i think i'm going through a short phase of bipolarity. i was so happy just now but all that has gone and left me i'm feeling absolutely dreary.
And when you're needing your spaceTo do some navigatingI'll be here patiently waitingTo see what you find