Friday, March 1, 2013

#333 recess.

recess, recess gotta get down to recess..

it's finally recess week! but it's going to be filled with projects and more projects.. this semester's mods are just going to be quite tough to get the marks.

morning was an early one with a trip down to Marymount to talk to Jessica's uncle with ze bizops group! so tired after that and now too, despite 2 naps :/ i'm really not a morning person.

had lunch and hair trim with Nick in the afternoon :))

met YJ tonight for dinner! she came to my house to watch Happy Fish show first hehe. she said that i'm the first hall person who's still watching tv haha. dinner was simple but it was a good catch up with her :)

gonna meet Euge and Ding tomorrow, 2 of my favorite people in the world^^

Alevels results was today, and i'm so proud of my juniors who did well. a few of them did reallyyyy well and i'm so happy :') but feeling a little nostalgic too, as one whole year has flew by since results till now.. good times pass so soon as the months of holiday passed really quickly and now it's already the second semester in NTU.

okay, i've planned out my recess week and hopefully it all goes accordingly..

and i'm still thinking about what i mentioned in the previous post, sigh :/

oh well, pictures!

mango ice w YJ today! 

decorations at the Cheesecake Cafe!
from last weekend:

vanilla choc chips cheesecake! which i thought was decent and by my standards that's really good cos i don't like cheesecake hehe