Sunday, May 6, 2012

#269 decisions, decisions.

speak now.

good afternoon/night with Nick yesterday, we went to astons at the airport for late dinner! i like the feeling of being at the airport; always getting the urge to just fly off. pity a passport is required to do so. i really want to fly off on an airplane with friends! hoping that this dream would be fulfilled in July, before school starts. seriously. i gotta save up some moolah to do so and that isn't even happening because i'm earning so little.

and it seems that SMU doesn't want to give me the scholarship? sigh. i was hoping for it though, so that it would make my decision much easier. why don't they want to give me anything? is everything leading me to NTU?:/ damn far, seriously.

work today with Nicholas, part timer at BB. he has tons more experience though. crowd wasn't as crazy as i'd expected it to be since today's a public holiday, which is a good thing (: Jinni & Sydney dropped by, Euge came to eat with me during my break, my parents came because they were going to Singtel to change phones (both also!) and Nick came to see me for awhile too! pity that there were quite a lot of people when he came by, le sigh.

i am tired but not tired. i'm not even making sense. my life seems to be so hectic even though i'm not accomplishing anything. nonsensical much.

hating my schedule for the whole of this month. hardly any free time to meet up with people who i want to meet. may be a blessing in disguise though as it would mean that there are less opportunities for me to spend.

meeting Nick tomorrow and we're probably heading to town. really craving for a good getaway.