i am heading for
NBS. my fate is sealed: i have accepted both the course and Nanyang Scholarship.
wonder what will happen if i change my mind and suddenly change my choice? or is it that i can't change my choice anymore?
my mum is so reluctant to let me go to NTU.. she says that we should all move to the west so that i can be near to home. but i want to stay in Tampines even after university so that is a really bad option. i think she sees the ludicrousness of her suggestion as well.
okay i feel a weight lifted off now that i've accepted this. finally can stop wavering between the schools.
i've got a new tuition kid and first lesson is this saturday, 2 bus stops away from my house yay (: really hoping that all goes well..
i feel like the past few days have been a blur and i don't have much idea of what i did at all. vaguely remembering heading to paya lebar for lunch, window shopping, expo and.. that's about it. today was work. pretty much uneventful, but apparently a bag was stolen yesterday with the inktag still intact! Elyn had to rush to make a police report but couldn't leave isetan until i came. the bag costs 400$ you know! imagine how much i could buy with that..
a few photos from last week, when i stayed over at Nick's and we headed to
I12 (:
KATONG LAKSAAA *slurps* we were both extremely hungry at that point of time so this tasted really good! i want to eat this again soon but i am supposed to be trying my best to lose weight..
Marble Slab's ice-cream! this costs a whopping 8$ which is pretty steep i think. it's good, the chocolate ice cream is delish and i love the crunchy graham crackers mixed in as well.. but
Cold Stone wins hands down i love Cold Stone!!
i remember that we had lunch-dinner-dessert in a span of 3 hours. #reasonswhyiamfat
and that Nick had a bad tummyache because of.. HK milk tea i think. we had it in the mornoon.
the next day was the Genting trip and i woke up at 4 in the morning and Nick called at 5+ before i boarded the bus. he was preparing to sleep after a longgg night of (probably) playing Skyrim and soccer. it was my morning and his night. topsy turvey.
my photo of Nick so that i can 'see' him even at Genting. no nice pose.
photo from night before. oh we went to Simpang for supper at 2 in the morning. yet another reason why i am fat.
i put together this collage of photos at work today.. was too bored. look, HAIR *points excitedly*
work tomorrow again. am hoping that it will be.. okay there is nothing much that i can hope for.
will not be seeing Nick until next weekend. i miss him already and i hope that he doesn't fall even more sick.
i really can never stay mad at him for long. everytime i see him somehow everything falls into place. it's like magic.
like this; sun rays beaming onto the flowers.. okay i have no idea how i can artistically express myself. i have no talent for being expressive at all.
okay i need to sleep soon, terrible complexion due to lack of sleep.
plans for upcoming weeks: Momoya and Carnivore buffet, Harry Potter exhibition, Snow White and the Huntsmen movie, shopping because it's GSS.
i have decided not to work anymore (except one tuition- or maybe they wouldn't want me after one lesson as well sigh) because of Nick's erratic army schedule. he will only work when i've started university (he has a weirdly free army schedule)
my mum commented that i should stop work as well, when i told her that next month i wouldn't be working for BB anymore. yay.
i really hope that
that weekend will be free for you.