today was POP! :)
woke up at 530am, seriously i wonder how is it even possible to wake up at this ungodly hour i've not woke up at this timing before. ever. perhaps a long time ago maybe?
Nick's parents came to fetch me to go to Marina Platform in the morning!
view from our seats! really a pretty sight to behold :) but the sight wasn't enough to prevent us from getting bored; we waited pretty long for the parade to start.
ze army boys marching in with heavy bags/rifles!
still marching~ one rectangle=one coy.
introducing the various companies, hopefully this one is Ninja i kind of mixed up the photos already so i'm not too sure.. after this was an interlude where they played cheesy music i was so damn bored at this point of time seriously.
i know it's very hard to tell but this photo has them throwing their jockey caps up!!!(:
swarms of people. really really A LOT of people we took so long just to get down the stairs..
TADAH! yummy ice cream i think it's super worth it as a treat once in a while!
coffee (something something with caramel and chocolate too), very tasty as well!
photo with the boy again, though he was SMELLY.
was playing around with some filters on my phone and the morning sight from Marina Platform was transformed to look like it was in the evening? :)
okay my font for this post is Arial because i'm really lazy to change those fonts that were different to my normal font.. it seems reaaallyyyy troublesome i think i'm just clueless about such things. but i want my font to be all the same so.. easiest way is to change all to some default font. [edit: okay whaaaat i changed all to Arial and it all became my normal font]
POP is an experience that i think i would only need to go for once in my lifetime heh. smelly boys are smelly. oh this is a short video of the BMTC Roar (?), i think its really cute that they would do such stuff during BMT hehe imagine them learning and practicing this! i don't know if its watchable though i used the blogger thing to upload.. hope it is!
okay sleepy me is sleepy. i am quite sad though that stupid boy did not reply me since 3plus i have no idea what are our plans for tomorrow URGH. we did say something but it wasn't even confirmed.. i hate it when things are like this that's why i wanted him to confirm about stuff earlier..
sore throat now, shall watch 2 episodes of whatever show i feel like watching and then sleep.
note to self: upload photos from camera to computer to facebook for S. (i have more photos in my camera all these are from my phone only!)