my brain's in a mess, fml. told a few people haha and now my brain's more cleared out uh i guess. hopefully tmr will be good, i wna do lots of things tht i wna do, ie. WATCH SHOWS! sad tht i still gotta wait so long for VD, and even longer for GG! sigh.

i'm tired every single day WHYWHYWHY! i wish schl starts later. NO WAIT. i wish tht THERE'S NO SCHL UNLESS WE NEED TO SEE TEACHER FOR PW. no point to go to schl everyday till 5 right-.- sucks to be in MJ seriously. makes my life screwed up..
i feel like i have no life of any sort now. like i'm just wasting my life away. before promos it was all about thinking how after promos it'll relaxing and stuffs but now tht its really aft promos, i feel like i'm really just wasting lots of my time awayyyy~
okay enough ranting, shall just go sleep NOW. BYE.
it hurts just thinking of that, and no one knows.