AHAHA SO CUTEE i want a mini schnauzer (not shown above)! cute ttm seriously :)
okay so here are my results: SUDDC
what i wanted: SEDED
i guess all subjs except for CHEM, i'm contented with. wtfreak man i really just wanted to pass chem right and what i got in return is a big fat U. damn, like tht i shldn't even bother to study so much for it right i think i studied th most for chem you know :( th rest are like just one day before, (esp econs thank God for sucha thing called promo package) and def less time spent than on chem.
and those who maybe fail one subj or sth, (not in MJ also counted) quit complaining and proclaiming tht you slack blah blah just to cover up a fail when you obviously got work hard-.- nvm. this is probably quite random but i'm just sick of *'s claims its damn turn-off i swear.
and now PW's just screwing with my brain i feel so useless yknow can't even do simple parts properly everyth's just wrong; really duno wad's wrong with me:/ so sorry to those 2. to th other 2, i'll just be really grateful if individual parts are all completed on your own tyvm :)
i think i'm a bitch nowadays haha. funny much, but funny-faces are just so entertaining! self-entertainment at home nv fails to keep me amused.
something's lacking in my life. but i can't put a finger to what it is.
CRAP I NV GET TO WATCH VD TNIGHT AGAIN I'M STUCK AT S2 EP 3 ONLYYY. watched only a third of it so far:/ what have i been doing w my time? my pw not even done and i'm not even watching my shows for th past 2hrs since i got home!
but at least sakae was good, i love you ♥
i really really wna do all those stuffs, like everyth tht we have planned before! maybe you forgot all those alr :( but i rmb everyth! thr's so much to do, push to hols=sure won't finish again sigh. somemore this hols MJ sure make me study if i manage to keep 4H2 wts. plus choir plus (HOPEFULLY, *CROSS FINGERS CROSS TOES* ms hua allows!) OGL stuffs schedule sure quite massive right! but i wna make th best of whatever i can get out of JC life alr lah if not my life really sucks.
okay okayyyy omg i need to get back to PW alr wts i wna sleep alr i'm so sleepy tmr i'm just gonna disappoint them again i guess so sorry. but i really can't find anyth to substantiate, google kinda sucks at th points tht we really need it..