haha okay i'm lazy to post photos still this was from fb not my camera uh.
tdy was alright, haha but i realise how screwed i am for mids. okay i think tht way everyday but i never ever do anyth abt it, wth right. tdy we had a pretty long break in schl: me & nick went ehub for bowling, lunch @ buddy hoagies! we even arrived back at schl much earlier than expected okay so good rightttt! (but my bowling sucks ttm tdy, sigh)
tmr with those dumb people!! haha hope tht it'll be fun fun fun! omg so long nv crap/rubbish/nonsense with them alr miss them all so so so much yknow! can't wait for all th dumb stuffs to happen! exclamation marks throughout this whole paragraph!! hee!
it'll be math, boring boring 3 periods chem lecture then boring chem tutorial then out with them! yay! looking forward to th later part only not at all th earlier part:/ gotta wake up @ 8.15 again haha maybe i'll oversleep. (as usual)
crossing fingers abt sat. it'll be super kj, i swear.