minds cafe with th girls ytd was fun, and FUNNY. you wouldn't believe how much noise we can produce haha super dumb. a few people had to keep going to pee cos they drank too much! heh then aft tht went dinner with pei at 201 and it rained like nobody's business lightning was super scary O.O
well, tdy was work till 3 packing books and teaching horsey chinese! yeah, then met nick we went to town to shop! hmm couldn't get my wallet tdy, sad sad sad:/ pictures another time hee i'm super lazy to upload, haven't been spending much time at home, th whole wk's probably gna continue this way too.
nick bought lots tdy he spent lots! i still can't find a decent schl bag, what to do?! but i'm happy with my new shoes. not schl shoes but its nice still. i still need to get lots of stuffs. oh and seriously i need to lose weight. okay not lose weight, but get rid of unwanted flab tht makes me look like a blob!
tdy was fun.
you'll keep your promise? cos i don't wna be sad anymore.