well, on new's year day obviously we went out for: dinner! food! haha but i forgot to take a photo until we were done, so only empty plates were left to be shown.

superbly OILY pasta, gosh.

haha look at nick's mouth hee it wasn't on purpose (he was chewing) but it's super cute:D

we took another 4 photos before nick could look normal hahaha!

yay, see our pretty tees?(:
hee, this was taken tdy yay! went to kembangan to try out this new job under mrs wee, who's actually selling jewellery made of super cool stones tht have lots of names tht i have to rmb:X went to sp with euge & cheryl tdy, and we had fun getting th stuffs HAHA. tp's campus seems nicer to us, as compared to sp and maybe we're going to np tmr too! th bag's nice you know:D (gosh i sound so cheapskate:/)
well i had fun chatting with them abt some stuffs hee. super dumb leh those two, sitting thr with yougurt and talking abt those stuffs. well obviously i wasn't th one having th yougurt okay. i tried it and i thought it tasted.. eww. perhaps cos they both chose original flavoured ones.
went to watch Sherlock Holmes at night, and i thought it was quite a boring movie. fell asleep once, nick too. haha we were late for th movie (again) but thankfully GV has long long ads yay. intended to eat ice cream from th tub but i got sick of it aft three bites cos it was so damn sweet.
okay, cos i used blogger to upload 2 photos which are centralised, so i decided to make my whole post centralised too. so dumb hee. i wish tmr wld be as fruitful as tdy; i felt like i did loads!
i think it's due to insecurity. i'm sorry tht i've become like this.
superbly OILY pasta, gosh.
haha look at nick's mouth hee it wasn't on purpose (he was chewing) but it's super cute:D
we took another 4 photos before nick could look normal hahaha!
yay, see our pretty tees?(:
well i had fun chatting with them abt some stuffs hee. super dumb leh those two, sitting thr with yougurt and talking abt those stuffs. well obviously i wasn't th one having th yougurt okay. i tried it and i thought it tasted.. eww. perhaps cos they both chose original flavoured ones.
went to watch Sherlock Holmes at night, and i thought it was quite a boring movie. fell asleep once, nick too. haha we were late for th movie (again) but thankfully GV has long long ads yay. intended to eat ice cream from th tub but i got sick of it aft three bites cos it was so damn sweet.
i think it's due to insecurity. i'm sorry tht i've become like this.