it's damn cute omg haha credits to Cheryl Chiobu.
everyone, please try to inject some positivity into life because we only live life once. this is not a YOLO statement or something, but i've learnt that life will turn out the way that you want it to be, IF you want it enough. the outcomes of things are usually how you want it to be if you do it with the mindset of the wanted outcome. it's a little difficult for myself to explain this but i experienced it for my own just 2 days ago on Friday :)
if you guys are free, please take this test to see if you are an intro/extrovert:
i thought that the description fitted rather well but it could just be my brain fitting bits of me around what was said.. hehe but i asked a few people to do it and it seems pretty accurate for them too :) fyi, i'm a public introvert and a private extrovert.