thr seems to be tons of stuffs for me to complete, but i'm not setting my priorities straight at all and am having a good mind to head out tmr again! shizzz, i'm an utter failure in being determined to achieve what i want-.- [rmb th first in class for tests thing?! haha, tht'll never happen.] i'm just living my life without a care in th world, though i'm really supposed to be giving a damn abt lots of stuffs. i don't know when i can get myself to get started on any hmework, HOPEFULLY by tmr? [note th question mark at th end of my sentence; it just shows tht i don't really intend to start.]
AHH WHERE IS MY SELF DISCIPLINE?! i need to change; i need motivation to get me going!
but i'm really wishing tht i could just laze on a hammock, and just read for th whole hols. no tutorials, no PBL, no shit. tht'll be th life.