second day of work tdy, night shift. met more new people tdy! well & i'm still avoiding taking orders unless absolutely necessary, cos i scared say wrongly or sth-.- hmm packing up took much more work than i expected! need to clean & dry all th utensils, clear and refill bread counter, set th cutlery for next day.. and it just goes on. when th kitchen's wet it's super slippery okay gosh. don't know why thr's this small slope from th kitchen out- it makes th slippery-ness worse. but i guess th people thr are all rather nice hee, i managed to switch shifts with ding! yay thankyou so much!:D my next day at work will be friday, then sat then no more for th week. seems kinda slack right i work only 4 days a week-.-
oh & aft work daddy fetched me home and i only got to watch th last 20mins of results show.. and i wasted 20mins of my life then.
turns out tdy thr's no elimination (?!)
super dumb lah can't they just hurry get it over and done with still say votes will be accumulated. zz wasting time can they just jump straight to top 2 & put th girls through? then thr's no need for th not-so-subtle propaganda to get people to vote for th girls, save trouble:D
i need to sleep soon, feeling super unfocused now. can someone teach me how to do a nice nice collage? don't tell me photoshop cos th one i have is th most ultimate basic one which serves no use in editing and stuffs like tht:/
please please teach me thanks:D