haha okay th benten logo was just to show that we ate at a BENTEN restaurant, but i forgot to take a picture of th logo:X only remembered to take pictures when we were done with lunch haha, so that explains th empty bowls. okay not so empty cos i couldn't finish th rice and nick had it with soy sauce & wasabi- sushi without th raw fish and seaweed!
haha taka had some mr men & little miss show! thus th photos. so cute yeah, thr was this phototaking session and stuffs hee. th merchandise are all super duper cute!
oh and went to NUM again, cos it was th last day of th 50% off sale! went to three stores of NUM in total, ahh. cos at th first one [cineleisure], i couldn't find anyth i want. second store [heeren] size of nick's shirt was th last piece and th colour ran so NAH. third time's th charm i guess, we bought our shirts thr! [wheelock place]
haha look at this BOOMZ tank manzxz can't believe i actually bought it!
so funny:D
our shopping bags! bought bottoms from bugis hee.
our feet. heh.
oh yeah, and tdy's my first day at work! haha quite funny, learnt quite alot on what to do thr. i guess it's pretty much simple, but its kinda taxing on my left arm & i'm gna have chunks of muscles soon cos i keep using my left arm to support all sorts of weights of th plates/cups. anw th food at BAKERZIN seems good actually i wna try it soon but i have no free meals yet sighhhh. working quite little this week only, ding get's to work like 7 hours more than me no fair!:/
and i guess th supervisors thr are all pretty nice yep, and th working environment's not bad. plus thr's free flow of italian soda hee. so many flavours to try!:D not a bad start for my first job. jiayou ding! he came at 530, i left at 6! well but wed i've gotta miss SG IDOL sigh. i wna watchhh, can't even watch th repeat cos i'm working on saturday too.
i need to ask somethings. tht's really kinda important, i need to know. well and maybe it's for th better.
i really appreciate having you in my life, and i want you to know it.
no words can express how i really and truly feel.
without you, who will i be?
thanks for always being thr; don't know if you'll read this.
i don't know how to say all this to you like face-to-face.
so i just wna thank you here & also God for blessing me with you.
thanks for all th days tht we had since th start of hols, [and even before that] it has all been great right(:
i miss you truckloads ♥