happy birthday to someone. haha i'm quite surprised tht i rmbed, even aft all these years. 4, to be exact. i never once forgot, quite cool eh.
ahh i can't believe how dumb i am grr. I LEFT MY AMATH TB IN SCHL, when i'm supposed to be studying amath tdy! zz. nvm, thr's lots of tv to keep me company tdy yay. half of district 9 ltr whee.
anw tdy was a day full of bridge eh. & th bio mock was such a waste of time i felt. wanted to pon but tht assistant just had to stay in class. so we left at like.. actually i'm not sure wad time we left but px said we reached simei slightly before 4 lor yeah. then had early dinner with tht dumb girl hee. th dogs were superrrr cute! esp this small one, a shih tzu, which was super playful & naughty but very adorable hee. i wna get a dog someday(:
shall try to study really hard thr's less than a month left!
so many many things to do aft O's:D