ytd was mooncake festival! haha it was so dumb & funny & lovely. haven't uploaded th pictures from camera, but soon okay, soon :D we had fun with th lanterns & mooncakes & cards for recreational purposes hee.
well, wasted half th day tdy zz, cos i woke up so late! shall make up for it by studying more ltr? ahh idk. anw tmr might be going out to study. SEE FIRST. but i want toooooo :D
people who aren't studying yet better start cos even a person like me is starting to study GOSH :O so seriously everyone please go hit th books alr, if you haven't! [unless you are a robot who only needs to connect yourself to some supply of information: eg. computer, to obtain all th information you wld ever need in your whole entire life.] i shall go study once i stop getting distracted by this certain huge distraction which comes in th form of a computer!
shut up and put your money where your mouth is :D