Sunday, June 3, 2012

#282 snow white/dinper.

went to Nex yesterday and watched Snow White and the Huntsman! i thought that it was a pretty good movie except for the ending.. it was kind of abrupt for me. ended too quickly.

Charlize Theron is simply stunning. i remember reading about her acting in this movie called Monster back in 2003/4/5? i only remember it was primary school days. she had to gain 25kg (?) to portray her character and almost a decade later, she looks so pretty!

photo on top is her fatter self, with no make up but ~10 years younger. i think her character was a serial killer of some sort.

oh so back to Snow White. (spoilers)

 i don't really understand why they named the movie 'Snow White and the Huntsman' it didn't seem to me that the huntsman really was a huntsman? he tracked her for none but 5 minutes before standing on her side, doesn't seem like a keen hunter does he? but i loved his blue eyes!

and what was the big white reindeer? i didn't really get that whole part but the woodland animals were really really cute.

Charlize Theron was awesome as the queen i felt that she played the role really well. her brother in the show had weird hair though (apparently from young as in the flashbacks he had same hair too) she was so vicious and really went all out to hunt Snow White down. 

Kristen Stewart.. well she showed more expression here than in the Twilight saga but as a princess who wants to kill the evil queen and save her people, she seems to lack the fight in her somehow? i don't know maybe it's just her style.


throughout the movie i kept telling Nick, 'hey this looks like Skyrim!!' because Snow White could just pick up a random horse and ride it away, the scenery was just like that in Skyrim (mountains and hills and snowy places too) and you would stumble into villages of people too (the women who scratched their faces and lived above water) similarities with Lord of the Rings too! the fighting scene especially when the good people barged into the city to fight the bad guys! and William was shooting arrows (like how Orlando Bloom does in LOTR!)

the movie's pretty great (despite some complaints) go watch it :)

okay this is really lengthy but today's a nua Sunday so i can spare lots of time to blog^^

before the movie we went to walk around and went to the library to browse through books too the library's really new i want to go back again! after the movie we headed to Chomp Chomp! for dinper (dinner+supper as it was already 9+/10)

pardon the ugly black borders of my photos i think i didn't expand the photos enough :'(

we had (left to right) sugar cane, sambal stingray, carrot cake, lala and kai lan! to be honest, nothing that 85 doesn't offer. but the carrot cake is pretty darn good.

prawn mee that we had to wait for half an hour! there are 2 stalls of prawn mee at Chomp Chomp. i have tried both and this one's the bomb for me!

tried lala for the first time ever! really fresh so there isn't the fishy smelly smell!

satay! it was okayyyyy i guess but Simpang has nicer satay.

photo after eating a whole lot! oh we had chicken wings too but no photo oops. 

yeah so i want to head back for the prawn mee and carrot cake only! everything else would be more convenient at 85! go to 85 to eat everyone, good food awaits you there~

oh and i am so upset because the coin part of my Guy Laroche wallet tore off. what the hell man i've been using this wallet for barely 2 months only.. i really hope that it can be fixed.

oh yeah and i think i mentioned that Nick wouldn't be out right? it was a nice surprise that he booked out! though we spent lots and lots on food (as usual) but i'm glad i got to spend time with him. i cancelled plans with Euge though and i feel terrible about it :/

first tuition session yesterday went pretty okay and her house is really quite near thank goodness!

okay i'm done blogging i feel like napping again even though i just woke up at 1230, barely 3 hours ago.