pretty uneventful CNY.. (but at least gambled and won!) not really looking forward to Feb, lots of reasons why but whatev shall not think so much for now.
went for the most ridiculous interview ytd, cos of this agency called RMA. they suck so bad srsly, they failed to tell me the time of the interview for one (despite my emails and calls) and told me wrong details of the job also idk wad's wrong w them even simple information can be distorted along the way so i decided to just tell them during the int tht i wasn't free during training days. but i thought tht it was quite a pity, job w cpf seems kinda good for my resume in the future eh:/
haha nvm since its over i shall just let it be.
hope tht th next few days will be fun, a few more gatherings to go for and some more stuff. 1 FEB soon :( tht day's gna suck man.
happy cny, to those who even read :)