it's really so easy to.. just end?
i don't know. okay, feeling 'sentimental' now, according to nick haha i just told him what i read abt. to me it feels kinda upsetting for some weird reasons i don't know why!
btw, got my dress. FINALLY OMG. everyone shall see it on concert day alright! & i just realised tht i haven't bought my court shoes so i think i shall just stick to using lynny's? yeah can't be bothered i hate court shoes anw they make my feet hurt):
marketplace epic-ness tdy, loved!
missed th hols feeling so so much, when all we had to do was just to walk ard, slack, chat, play! no fussing abt what work needs to be done, at most we just had to decide on which movie to watch etc! wna have all my hols back again.. and hang ard th city more often:D
sugar + cholesterol intake REALLY HIGHHHH tdy:/
reality: i need to get my stuffs done. stop failing tests (at this rate my worst fear will come true i hate myself for being so stupid)