supposed to be looking/thinking of a topic for PI but i can't think of anyth good to do! sigh i'm so damn screwed. finished GP essay only, didn't even do th last part of econs case study. I'M SO SLEEPY & LAZY NOW! shall go sleep soon alr i have a rough concept on what i wna do, but i have no idea if i can pull it off or not:/
went to Mad Jack with nick for dinner tdy, didn't think it was awesome haha. met nia jo jem at macs! talked for awhile, and awhile more with nia at subway:D did GP essay thr then, while nick did his chem assignment heh. felt quite accomplished, at least i finished a (almost) two page long essay YAY.
oh, abt th bio test tdy? i totally screwed it:D thank goodness i didn't waste so much time studying! though i know i can do better if i actually did study; i'm only regretting tht everyone will do much better than me, that's all.
i'm lovin' everyday, when i get to meet you ♥
trying to make the best out of everyday;