UGH ANOTHER MALE MALAY IDOL GOSH! totally depressing sigh.
well, i think i mentioned earlier tht tdy's basically a boring day. until nick came over to watch sg idol heh. he reached at 730 & i didn't pay any more attention to step up anymore haha:D sezairi's performances were boring ttm okay, zz. okay maybe not tht bad, but to me pretty bad cos i'm biased towards him, hee.
had dinner & orange breezer. drunk-ness!♥
gna go to work at 1 tmr, full day shift! shopping on tuesday YAY. hoping tht i wld be getting my pay by tues, or else i have no money to spend. pei's coming back on wed YAY. this week shld be not bad i hope everyth will go smoothly I WANT TO CUT MY HAIR. maybe i'll cut bangs again.
on th fourth day of christmas my true love gave to me: four calling birds, three french hens, two turtle doves & a partridge in a pear tree!

haha this pic was taken quite some time ago? okay maybe not so long but quite long:D
well, i think i mentioned earlier tht tdy's basically a boring day. until nick came over to watch sg idol heh. he reached at 730 & i didn't pay any more attention to step up anymore haha:D sezairi's performances were boring ttm okay, zz. okay maybe not tht bad, but to me pretty bad cos i'm biased towards him, hee.
had dinner & orange breezer. drunk-ness!♥
gna go to work at 1 tmr, full day shift! shopping on tuesday YAY. hoping tht i wld be getting my pay by tues, or else i have no money to spend. pei's coming back on wed YAY. this week shld be not bad i hope everyth will go smoothly I WANT TO CUT MY HAIR. maybe i'll cut bangs again.
on th fourth day of christmas my true love gave to me: four calling birds, three french hens, two turtle doves & a partridge in a pear tree!
haha this pic was taken quite some time ago? okay maybe not so long but quite long:D