in short, we spent an awesome two days together (18-19 June) in each other's company and loved every moment of it :)
Nick is really black now. like extremely. huge contrast in our skin colours now..
first photo that we took that day! he was complaining 'here also got nothing to take as background..' like that means cannot take huh?!
i had weird eyelid that day! :( |
he came over to my house first, pretty late because he watched soccer the night before but nevertheless i'm happy that he made the effort :')
trained down to Bayfront station to go to Marina Bay Sands! and we bought..
after that we went on to
Carnivore for the buffet but we were told to come back only at 130 (which was about 40 mins later) so we went to take a walk first though we were damnnnnn hungry already sigh.
there's a whitish thing on my tooth/lip i have no idea why. |
happy us are happy! but not for long. we went back to Carnivore but were told to wait somemore. there was a long queue forming and lousy management, honestly. customers have left already but the people working there took their own sweet time to clear the tables, annoying.
Nick was so angry haha he was cursing away because of his hunger. i thought that the waiting time was ridiculous too.
we finally got our table and Nick headed straight to get food. the meat was distributed by the staff there; they would hold a huge skewer of meat (beef, pork, sausages, chicken, fish, lamb, ham) and go around either slicing or just serving whatever meat they had. the other food would be buffet style aka self service.
i loved the potatoes^^ the bamboo thing was just weird though Nick thought it was cheese when i told him it wasn't. |
cherry tomatoes (cooked ones) were really yummy! strawberry was part of the decorations but we took it anyway. |
'we should cover first, our table so messy' |
shiny shiny!! |
love this boyboy! |
close up of the meats! (some of them) |
photo from previous post, naughty person's spectacles hanging on my arm. |
after the buffet, we had a little bit of time.. just enough to walk to Art Science Museum because Carnivore is right the end of MBS.
before entering exhibition! |
oh we couldn't take photos in the exhibition, so using my camera was way too obvious.. pardon the quality of photos ahead, they purposely dimmed the whole exhibition! and i have no idea why we didn't ask someone else to take a photo for us together oh my-.- that thought crossed the boy's mind a few days later haha.
HARDEST PHOTO TO TAKE HAHA. luckily no one caught us!! |
the merchandise were bloody expensive. wanted to buy the Gryffindor scarf since it was Spain's colour and euro was ongoing.. but it cost 40$ SO EXPENSIVE :'( in the end we bought wands. mini wands, mind you. not the 75$ wands. we kept on going back to the 350$ display and envied those rich people who bought it sigh. really a good collectible why am i too poor to afford it??
after that we went for the Andy Warhol exhibition.. but didn't really get anything out of it at all. i don't get art; can't appreciate it i guess? just not atas enough for it:/ and the stuff were sold at even more exorbitant prices.
after both exhibitions we were contemplating where to go and decided that we should watch
Madagascar 3!! checked out tickets and they were about 3 hours later (at Shaw Century) so we took a stroll on Helix Bridge back to Millenia Walk, then through Suntec (where the boy hunted for his stuff) and finally CityLink.
we went for Cold Stone! :) seems like every other time in town with him would be Cold Stone for us^^ yummy!!
some chocolate ice cream with peanut butter and peanut butter cups! :) |
after that we headed back to Tampines for the movie~~
Ra da da da da da da da circus
Da da da da da da da da afro
Circus afro, circus afro,
Polka dot polka dot polka dot afro~
i thought that the movie was really cute. extremely light-hearted! :)
headed home after the movie to get my stuff and to change.. then cabbed to Nick's house for a stayover with Spain match to watch at Simpang! didn't take any more photos after that already oops.
supper at Simpang was awesome but really fattening as usual.. and we watched Spain vs Croatia match! i remember that Croatia was playing extremely defensive. Italy scored at the other match but no one cheered at all everyone was concentrating on Spain's match :X
we went back after the match and slept at.. 6? woke up to gym and lunch-ed at Simpang. after that headed back to watch The Prestige (finally, ever since it was mentioned by Mr Nathan i wanted to watch already) and then went homeeee.
second day of our awesome time together was pretty much relaxing :)
and this is my favourite photo hehe^^ i love this boy so much: thank you for our time together. these 3 years with you have been really awesome and i look forward to the many more years ahead of us