hmm sth happened to me ytd?
yeah & only you know, but i didn't you tht i only told you. aft watching pingpong i was feeling better alr bah, but i had no mood to study alr. so slacked & read for awhile before i went to sleep. feeling super slpy now :/
crappy shit i shld just go bang my head on th wall. although what i felt last night isn't as strong tdy, i can't deny tht its not here. what's wrong with me? i haven't been like this in quite a long time. change? no i don't feel any. i don't think i did, really. i just wna crash and sleep for 10000 years, until a day when everyth's fine. until a day when i can face up to all of these.
6 days left till mids. i can't even do a full question from th damn amath paper.
on a lighter note, it was rather fun ytd, aft chem makeup. went to 18chefs & played bridge thr haha. lovely people. though.. ahh nvm. & we wrote stuffs on th glass too. sorry to CO, cos we did sth quite bad to th whole row of 'CO's at th side! [not th whole row, we left a few unscathed (:]
really crossing my fingers & hoping tht dr C. will let me remove my braces :D
feeling stupid :/
tht meant alot to me, really, at tht point of time. you stupid (:
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
stupid crappy crap. i'm really screwed for mids ):
just went to a few blogs & i realise tht many are like at least halfway through their revision, while i've not even STARTED. ahhhhhhhh :/ think i better start alr. left with tueswedthursfrisatsunmon. tht's not alot of days. its only a week. 7 days. & tmr's paper one alr! tdy i have to study for tht. [cos i promised ytd]
see. tht's another panic session. aft tht i'll just calm down again & forget abt studying. just like what happened ytd! sigh. but its really grasping me now, this reality. i know tht i won't be able to finish my physics, so i'll just give it up this mids. but thr's still so much to rmb for everyth else!
my memory ain't fantastic; & i ain't smart :/
Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot,
who calls you back when you hang up on him,
who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat,
or will stay awake just to watch you sleep...
wait for the boy who kisses your forehead,
who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats,
who holds your hand in front of his friends,
who thinks you' re just as pretty without makeup on.
One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have YOU;
The one who turns to his friends and says,
thats her
i know this is random, but i just wanted to post it here.
just went to a few blogs & i realise tht many are like at least halfway through their revision, while i've not even STARTED. ahhhhhhhh :/ think i better start alr. left with tueswedthursfrisatsunmon. tht's not alot of days. its only a week. 7 days. & tmr's paper one alr! tdy i have to study for tht. [cos i promised ytd]
see. tht's another panic session. aft tht i'll just calm down again & forget abt studying. just like what happened ytd! sigh. but its really grasping me now, this reality. i know tht i won't be able to finish my physics, so i'll just give it up this mids. but thr's still so much to rmb for everyth else!
my memory ain't fantastic; & i ain't smart :/
Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot,
who calls you back when you hang up on him,
who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat,
or will stay awake just to watch you sleep...
wait for the boy who kisses your forehead,
who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats,
who holds your hand in front of his friends,
who thinks you' re just as pretty without makeup on.
One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have YOU;
The one who turns to his friends and says,
thats her
i know this is random, but i just wanted to post it here.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
#011 flu be gone (:
it looks like it's gna rain. it better rain :X
watched chucky ytd night & kept switching to les choristes halfway hahaha. both shows were nice yeah. though i felt chucky shld have been more scary-.-
woke up tdy to find myself with no flu [!!], feeling lazy [once again], & basically i've been slacking for th past few hours, reading th papers & surfing th internet for abit. playing pet society too. a little. i'm just doing everyth except for th thing tht i'm supposed to be concentrating on. i'm just not studying ahh!
yay, it's raining heavily now :D
think i might be baking now, my mum just suggested it. won't say what is it though. if it turns out well i'll bring it to schl tmr, but if its horrible.. hmm. it won't turn up! oh anw, ada was my source of inspiration to bake :D will post pictures another time, her cupcakes were lovely ♥
shall try to study aft baking, but th television will be a huge temptation. several nice shows tnight i think. thr's amath & paper one this coming week. okay, i'll later on. tomorrow aft schl :D i'll study for paper one. then on this coming wed, MY BRACES WILL BE OFF! thank goodness like finally! crossing my fingers & hoping tht dr C. won't force braces on me for another month cos i've been rather inconsistent in using th rubber band.
hope tht this week will be pleasant! friday's labour day. let's go rollerblade k dears? (: oh & whoever's going for th camp- th thirteen of us, rmb to get th form SIGNED & bring th money just in case!
realisation of some stuffs. but i guess it can't be brought up easily.
♥ ladeedum.
watched chucky ytd night & kept switching to les choristes halfway hahaha. both shows were nice yeah. though i felt chucky shld have been more scary-.-
woke up tdy to find myself with no flu [!!], feeling lazy [once again], & basically i've been slacking for th past few hours, reading th papers & surfing th internet for abit. playing pet society too. a little. i'm just doing everyth except for th thing tht i'm supposed to be concentrating on. i'm just not studying ahh!
yay, it's raining heavily now :D
think i might be baking now, my mum just suggested it. won't say what is it though. if it turns out well i'll bring it to schl tmr, but if its horrible.. hmm. it won't turn up! oh anw, ada was my source of inspiration to bake :D will post pictures another time, her cupcakes were lovely ♥
shall try to study aft baking, but th television will be a huge temptation. several nice shows tnight i think. thr's amath & paper one this coming week. okay, i'll study.
hope tht this week will be pleasant! friday's labour day. let's go rollerblade k dears? (: oh & whoever's going for th camp- th thirteen of us, rmb to get th form SIGNED & bring th money just in case!
realisation of some stuffs. but i guess it can't be brought up easily.
♥ ladeedum.
Friday, April 24, 2009
wish tht it'll go away like now!
amath we got caught for playing bridge -.- but nvm hahaha. lessons seemed to pass rather slowly, until CHEM. chem test = fail alr. thr wasn't even enough time & i scribbled my graph like totally anyhow! ltr thr's emath test.. hope tht i can concentrate enough to finish th paper :/
i shall go home & sleep ltr :D
wish tht it'll go away like now!
amath we got caught for playing bridge -.- but nvm hahaha. lessons seemed to pass rather slowly, until CHEM. chem test = fail alr. thr wasn't even enough time & i scribbled my graph like totally anyhow! ltr thr's emath test.. hope tht i can concentrate enough to finish th paper :/
i shall go home & sleep ltr :D
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
#009 HAHA.
whee congrats xinting, eugeny, ding, cheryl!
ahh but.. nvm shall mention it here.
peixuan eugeny rizvan!
we went to get CHOCOLATE MACADEMIA! pictures another time, cos i'm in schl nw.
2.4 run ytd hahaha. quite fun actually, and it was th first time i didn't stop during th run. ran with eugeny, & i kept pushing her NOT TO STOP. she wanted to stop haha but i didn't let her & we both didn't stop till th end YAY. (: & unexpectedly, i felt super energetic aft th run. i think we all feel accomplished, at least we all finished th run :D
& our class has 4 girls in top 10! yay happy for them!
oh, while walking home ytd, sth quite scary but funny happened. on th path, a big lizard ran across in front of me & a rat chased aft it o.o why was a rat chasing a lizard?? so weird. but it was kinda dark and creepy so it seemed quite scary!
when i reached home th first thing i did was to have a nice long bath. th weather made all of us feel so warm & sticky, tht it felt lovely aft a bath :D & aft tht i watched half of red thread. tht show is dumb :X & then th ping pong show haha. needed someone to tell me wad was going on, haven't been watching for quite some time alr. shall continue watching it!
it feels weird not having choir right? we were practicing almost everyday for th 2 weeks before syf.. & suddenly aft syf we don't even have any practice anymore! ahh its just plain weird. i miss choir :/ i really want to perform during th concert, but i'm afraid tht my mids will not allow me to. if i really can't perform i'll be damn upset. i know, i have to work hard so tht i can do well, but i only feel th motivation for a period of time [eg. now] but aft tht i'll lose th drive to study. whenever i open my textbooks, i just don't feel like studying anymore. but for th sake of choir, i shall really try my best yeah.
& i still like our ave (:
whee congrats xinting, eugeny, ding, cheryl!
ahh but.. nvm shall mention it here.
peixuan eugeny rizvan!
we went to get CHOCOLATE MACADEMIA! pictures another time, cos i'm in schl nw.
2.4 run ytd hahaha. quite fun actually, and it was th first time i didn't stop during th run. ran with eugeny, & i kept pushing her NOT TO STOP. she wanted to stop haha but i didn't let her & we both didn't stop till th end YAY. (: & unexpectedly, i felt super energetic aft th run. i think we all feel accomplished, at least we all finished th run :D
& our class has 4 girls in top 10! yay happy for them!
oh, while walking home ytd, sth quite scary but funny happened. on th path, a big lizard ran across in front of me & a rat chased aft it o.o why was a rat chasing a lizard?? so weird. but it was kinda dark and creepy so it seemed quite scary!
when i reached home th first thing i did was to have a nice long bath. th weather made all of us feel so warm & sticky, tht it felt lovely aft a bath :D & aft tht i watched half of red thread. tht show is dumb :X & then th ping pong show haha. needed someone to tell me wad was going on, haven't been watching for quite some time alr. shall continue watching it!
it feels weird not having choir right? we were practicing almost everyday for th 2 weeks before syf.. & suddenly aft syf we don't even have any practice anymore! ahh its just plain weird. i miss choir :/ i really want to perform during th concert, but i'm afraid tht my mids will not allow me to. if i really can't perform i'll be damn upset. i know, i have to work hard so tht i can do well, but i only feel th motivation for a period of time [eg. now] but aft tht i'll lose th drive to study. whenever i open my textbooks, i just don't feel like studying anymore. but for th sake of choir, i shall really try my best yeah.
& i still like our ave (:
Monday, April 20, 2009
crappy crap day. haha basically it's all due to my sleepiness ahh.
baked brownies ytd whee :D
wanted to try rock buns, but realised tht it'll take a much longer time + i didn't have th choc chips needed! so ended up with brownies. hmm and i packed everyth nicely before going to slp, & apparently didn't study for amath -.-
came to schl SUPER DUPER EARLY this morning, cos my dad had to go out early! when i reached, i think only 5 ppl were in th schl or sth, cos our whole 3rd lvl didn't have anyone else! so creepy, and i saw a bat. announced our GWH, but they didn't do a standing ovation! hmph. haha nvm, then went back to class to give th rest th brownies xP xt rizvan & jh said tht this time round it seems to be nicer. yay :D
fell aslp during elit, and quote from ding: ELIT MAKES YOU FAT. so true okay hahaha. cos we had brownies & th yummy caramel corn tdy! normally thr'll be th CANDY tht ding buys. blahblah then had chem just now, whole lesson was wasted on me, cos i cldn't find th ws & didn't know wad Ms T was going on abt. hmm.
& now it's english! err i think we're supposed to be doing sth, but me & peixuan have no idea at all. haha. gna take th amath test soon! hope it'll be fine >.<
gna collect specs ltr on too :D finally.
baked brownies ytd whee :D
wanted to try rock buns, but realised tht it'll take a much longer time + i didn't have th choc chips needed! so ended up with brownies. hmm and i packed everyth nicely before going to slp, & apparently didn't study for amath -.-
came to schl SUPER DUPER EARLY this morning, cos my dad had to go out early! when i reached, i think only 5 ppl were in th schl or sth, cos our whole 3rd lvl didn't have anyone else! so creepy, and i saw a bat. announced our GWH, but they didn't do a standing ovation! hmph. haha nvm, then went back to class to give th rest th brownies xP xt rizvan & jh said tht this time round it seems to be nicer. yay :D
fell aslp during elit, and quote from ding: ELIT MAKES YOU FAT. so true okay hahaha. cos we had brownies & th yummy caramel corn tdy! normally thr'll be th CANDY tht ding buys. blahblah then had chem just now, whole lesson was wasted on me, cos i cldn't find th ws & didn't know wad Ms T was going on abt. hmm.
& now it's english! err i think we're supposed to be doing sth, but me & peixuan have no idea at all. haha. gna take th amath test soon! hope it'll be fine >.<
gna collect specs ltr on too :D finally.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
#007 oral -.-
haha stupid oral tdy. i know i screwed it up alr -.- but nvm :D
ytd's SYF results was shocking ):
ahh but it actually gives us hope? idk.
went to eat with eugeny yingjun ding. peixuan had to go eat with her parents HMPH. we went to walk first before going to KFC to eat. settled on wad to buy for K alr heh (: shall go buy it with dummy on monday. i need to get my specs on monday too. i want my old ones back.
having a stupid headache now sian :/
ytd's SYF results was shocking ):
ahh but it actually gives us hope? idk.
went to eat with eugeny yingjun ding. peixuan had to go eat with her parents HMPH. we went to walk first before going to KFC to eat. settled on wad to buy for K alr heh (: shall go buy it with dummy on monday. i need to get my specs on monday too. i want my old ones back.
having a stupid headache now sian :/
#006 SYF DAY post.
ain't this picture nice? if you wna see it real life, you can go down to URBAN WRITE @ tamp one! heehee. it's at th side with all th markers & stuffs!
haha this was th first pic we took for th day! :D outside GO.
reached schl early in th morning, and went for flag raising. then warmups blahblah. when mrtan was talking to us sth abt getting to VCH, px & i went to tutorial room to give zheng lao shi excuse letter on behalf of charmaine, as well as to get a glimpse of how th rest of th class was excruciatingly trying not to fall aslp during th lesson :D
MrToh came shortly aft we prepared & he went through th songs. then it was time to set off.
EUGENIA THT DUMB GIRL. she commented tht this pic looks very natural, cos of th wind (:
haha JOJO's so dumb lo. look at her expressions xD
BRAIDS! & perhaps it is possible to spot trickles of glitter, whr charis has sprayed!
this is random :X look at FISHY!
side view of ME. i know. i look funny!
look at th ALTOSSSSSS!
soon, we reached VCH. & we started taking photos thr. heh. but its all NOT WITH ME. ahh px you bettr hurry upload everyth i want th photos! (: then spent time waiting. & waiting. & waiting. when we finally got on stage, i realised it wasn't tht nervous-y. i kinda enjoyed tht performance, & at least felt a little during ave. [alto part ain't tht easy for me to feel!] & aft tht it was off th stage and to eat. whoosh. th 10mins was gone. just like tht. *snap.
JEMIMAH! tht super dumb girl who cried! she's so dumb lo xP but i love her still.
YINGJUN! another stupid person who cried. but love her too :D
finally, tht cute bird looks at th correct place :D whee.
haha this picture was quite random. but turned out quite well eh (:
i want tht tunnel photoooooooo!
then we went in to watch DHS choir perform. err don't really wna comment on anyth haha. wanted to reserve th whole row of seats in front of us for AHCHOIR ppl, but thr was this irritating woman who just irritating-ly displaced brenda & took all th seats for her schl. & cos max reynold chris cldn't get in, PINHAO GERMONN & JOSHUA kindly gave up their seats for them. thankyou dear boys :D
chaichin was funny. cos by 536 no results seemed to be coming out yet, so she got restless & said tht they said tht results shld be out at 530! then aft awhile, perhaps half hr, she went into th 'zi4 bi4' mode. hahaha tht was quite hilarious. she kept super quiet & didn't speak much. finally, she went into her last 'mode' & pestered emma. xP all tht had to happen before th announcing of results started!
haha this was jiaye's new shades! cos we were really quite bored so fooled ard abit with it lo xD it has this 'enlarging of nose' effect! >.<
results vid:
must hear how th emcee announce our results okay-.- super purposely de. listen out when it's guy schls cheering. very funny xP i wanted to put th vids on my blog but its giving loads of trouble so i took it off!
haha dear P. thanks to him this choir has stepped onto higher levels (:
CHRISTOPHER YOUNG WATERMELON heehee. he looks so spastic right xD
a very nice scenery at th bridge ((((:
oh well look at all th photos! so many right. actually not really heh. still many many more not with me! i want all th grp photos! whoever who took them please send them to me thankyouvery much! wheeeee.
aft tht we went to tamp one. wanted to find a nice place tht we can sit at but apparently everywhr was super duper crowded hmph >.<
Friday, April 17, 2009
#005 GWH!
yay yay yay. tht was so impt to us. (:
i love choir.
i have loads of pictures, in my phone and peixuan's cam! whee shall upload asap. a full detail blog post coming right up!
feeling so slpy and tired tdy. not physically, cos i can run & jump like crazy. but i'm so slpy mentally. i can't even concentrate on a stupid ss sbq test, which i WILL fail, & thr's still an emath test ltr.. ugh. i just want to have good sleep now, those tht'll really allow you to feel so relaxed and well rested. really mentally exhausted now.
but sth made me super happy okay.
Anglican High Sch
Prediction: GwH
Actual: GwH
A very full sound from a HUGE choir, I like the tone much better, it's a little light though. Pitching wise quite accurate, but they were not quite together in term of rhythm. The next piece is ave maria, which is beautifully phrased and delicate when needed. It's leaving me enthranced, the balance is good and the range of dynamic extraordinary.. Wonderful! The next piece is Chinese, probably by Chen Yi. They're using chopsticks! The humming section wasn't quite good, but everything else was good! I wouldn't mind paying to watch them! They've got good voices in there and it really helps in the tone. It got a little draggy, but clearly GwH!! What a way to start this session.
HAHA. we were th only choir this guy gave a straight GWH prediction! seriously go check out his blog :
super happy aft reading tht yeah. some of his comments were pretty funny, & we got rather good comments which i guess is sth to be happy abt (: yayyyyyyyyyy.
yay yay yay. tht was so impt to us. (:
i love choir.
i have loads of pictures, in my phone and peixuan's cam! whee shall upload asap. a full detail blog post coming right up!
feeling so slpy and tired tdy. not physically, cos i can run & jump like crazy. but i'm so slpy mentally. i can't even concentrate on a stupid ss sbq test, which i WILL fail, & thr's still an emath test ltr.. ugh. i just want to have good sleep now, those tht'll really allow you to feel so relaxed and well rested. really mentally exhausted now.
but sth made me super happy okay.
Anglican High Sch
Prediction: GwH
Actual: GwH
A very full sound from a HUGE choir, I like the tone much better, it's a little light though. Pitching wise quite accurate, but they were not quite together in term of rhythm. The next piece is ave maria, which is beautifully phrased and delicate when needed. It's leaving me enthranced, the balance is good and the range of dynamic extraordinary.. Wonderful! The next piece is Chinese, probably by Chen Yi. They're using chopsticks! The humming section wasn't quite good, but everything else was good! I wouldn't mind paying to watch them! They've got good voices in there and it really helps in the tone. It got a little draggy, but clearly GwH!! What a way to start this session.
HAHA. we were th only choir this guy gave a straight GWH prediction! seriously go check out his blog :
super happy aft reading tht yeah. some of his comments were pretty funny, & we got rather good comments which i guess is sth to be happy abt (: yayyyyyyyyyy.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
#004 TMR!
hmm tdy was pretty much boring, we had english biolab physicstest doublechinese & th FTI with Mrs L. She gave us this survey, and told us not to discuss to ensure honesty. It was a survey abt tchers, in particular th 3 sciences. Ratings were to be given from A-D, with A being th best. GUESS WHAT WE PUT FOR OUR OHSOFAVOURITE SCIENCE TCHER OF ALL TIME? :D hahaha. I was pretty nice to put one B, and only 3Ds! heh. Our answers were honest and it came from within us, so tht ensures HONESTY. It better be taken into consideration and not just thrown aside -.-
& thr was no choir practice tdy, so i arrived home early, for th first time in a long long time haha. it felt good actually, and i slacked&rested, while trying to put SYF off my mind for a bit.
please bring your stuffs okay :D
or else it'll be really troublesome!
just nw went to eastpoint with dear dummy before coming home. wanted to [BUT DIDN'T] buy choc, but ended up settling for th jelly icecream instead yeah. then we were sitting outside th montessori at th fifth level & just talking abt stuffs whee. enjoyed it pretty much actually dear :D talking abt all th cute lil ppl haha!
some pictures from ytd and one from last week yay :D

ME EUGENIA JOJO. haha dumb fishy's fingers present too xP

haha th above is all just th 3 of us heh xP

yay and this one was from tht day of FULL DRESS! th lighting sucks so i edited it abit but it still looks horrible sorry -.- cos of th blurr-iness oh man :/
& i'm just feeling super duper ultra irritating-ly nervous now!
thanks charmaine for helping my girls to tie braids! appreciate it!
&&& i shall just type this here first tmr go choir reinforce this:
thanks for all th effort; lovely choir.
p.s. i'm looking forward to tmr, despite th nervous-ness {:
p.p.s because i can skip DOUBLE CHINESE & DOUBLE PHYSICS.
p.p.p.s and amath test too.
p.p.p.p.s & perhaps cos of something else too.
hmm tdy was pretty much boring, we had english biolab physicstest doublechinese & th FTI with Mrs L. She gave us this survey, and told us not to discuss to ensure honesty. It was a survey abt tchers, in particular th 3 sciences. Ratings were to be given from A-D, with A being th best. GUESS WHAT WE PUT FOR OUR OHSOFAVOURITE SCIENCE TCHER OF ALL TIME? :D hahaha. I was pretty nice to put one B, and only 3Ds! heh. Our answers were honest and it came from within us, so tht ensures HONESTY. It better be taken into consideration and not just thrown aside -.-
& thr was no choir practice tdy, so i arrived home early, for th first time in a long long time haha. it felt good actually, and i slacked&rested, while trying to put SYF off my mind for a bit.
please bring your stuffs okay :D
or else it'll be really troublesome!
just nw went to eastpoint with dear dummy before coming home. wanted to [BUT DIDN'T] buy choc, but ended up settling for th jelly icecream instead yeah. then we were sitting outside th montessori at th fifth level & just talking abt stuffs whee. enjoyed it pretty much actually dear :D talking abt all th cute lil ppl haha!
some pictures from ytd and one from last week yay :D
ME EUGENIA JOJO. haha dumb fishy's fingers present too xP
haha th above is all just th 3 of us heh xP
yay and this one was from tht day of FULL DRESS! th lighting sucks so i edited it abit but it still looks horrible sorry -.- cos of th blurr-iness oh man :/
& i'm just feeling super duper ultra irritating-ly nervous now!
thanks charmaine for helping my girls to tie braids! appreciate it!
&&& i shall just type this here first tmr go choir reinforce this:
thanks for all th effort; lovely choir.
p.s. i'm looking forward to tmr, despite th nervous-ness {:
p.p.s because i can skip DOUBLE CHINESE & DOUBLE PHYSICS.
p.p.p.s and amath test too.
p.p.p.p.s & perhaps cos of something else too.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
#003 yay
Tdy was a good and short practice, and after we left, mrtan had actually wanted to come down to address us, but we were long gone alr :X Its just FIVE more days to syf everyone! I think we're really improving, as it can be seen from our moods. It used to be like, aft every prac, everyone will just trudge home feeling SIAN. But now, it can be seen tht aft every practice, people get super high and noisy and whatsoever (: wheeee.
Anw, aft choir we had lunch at century square. [whr thr was th LEAST crowd] too bad, joyce had tuition so she didn't come, and tht stupid yingjun didn't come too. So it was peixuan qianyu eliz yufan tingwei chaichin & me. Ohwell, i felt really full aft eating actually, but px & me still went to buy bubble tea aft tht. I felt positively extremely bloated aft drinking, but luckily we walked ard for awhile at tamp1 so i felt bettr xP
&&& we bought a super cute pencil! hahaha. its really nice okay:D
going out again ltr on at night, but i feel super slpy now.. ahh. but tdy was a good day. once again :D WE SHLD HAVE GOOD FRIDAY EVERY WEEK. then my weeks will become much more fruitful!
i'm learning. finally. i hope.
Anw, aft choir we had lunch at century square. [whr thr was th LEAST crowd] too bad, joyce had tuition so she didn't come, and tht stupid yingjun didn't come too. So it was peixuan qianyu eliz yufan tingwei chaichin & me. Ohwell, i felt really full aft eating actually, but px & me still went to buy bubble tea aft tht. I felt positively extremely bloated aft drinking, but luckily we walked ard for awhile at tamp1 so i felt bettr xP
&&& we bought a super cute pencil! hahaha. its really nice okay:D
going out again ltr on at night, but i feel super slpy now.. ahh. but tdy was a good day. once again :D WE SHLD HAVE GOOD FRIDAY EVERY WEEK. then my weeks will become much more fruitful!
i'm learning. finally. i hope.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
#002 lovely day
hmm its just 8 days to SYF!
only 4 practices left!
jiayou alright everyone takecare of yourselves!
tmr's full dress rehearsal alr.
do our best alright!
no regrets!
imagine th joy of doing our best. it'll be way better then any GWH received yeah.
quoted from PEIXUAN:
after 16th april, no matter how hard we practice, how hard we try, how hard we listen, it's of no use already. so do our best and don't regret it after that aye? :)
anw tdy was quite a good day, we had double bio FREE. and tht irritating tcher didn't stay in class YAY. so xt px eugeny me walked to th further toilet, to show tht we were damn free-.- then recess. double chinese was horrendous, for some weird reason, aft eating th choc tart i had a super strong urge to slp! asmbly was alright, but i was reading th tenth circle for some parts of it. but th bad thing was tht asmbly tdy ended super late, like 230 or sth. but i still think tdy was good overall:D
yay.maybe its cos..?(:
only 4 practices left!
jiayou alright everyone takecare of yourselves!
tmr's full dress rehearsal alr.
do our best alright!
no regrets!
imagine th joy of doing our best. it'll be way better then any GWH received yeah.
quoted from PEIXUAN:
after 16th april, no matter how hard we practice, how hard we try, how hard we listen, it's of no use already. so do our best and don't regret it after that aye? :)
anw tdy was quite a good day, we had double bio FREE. and tht irritating tcher didn't stay in class YAY. so xt px eugeny me walked to th further toilet, to show tht we were damn free-.- then recess. double chinese was horrendous, for some weird reason, aft eating th choc tart i had a super strong urge to slp! asmbly was alright, but i was reading th tenth circle for some parts of it. but th bad thing was tht asmbly tdy ended super late, like 230 or sth. but i still think tdy was good overall:D
yay.maybe its cos..?(:
Sunday, April 5, 2009
#001 resurrection.
it's un-thinkable, tht i wld even revive my blog huh (:
well its just this simple website tht i wld pen down [type] what i feel etc.
its not gna be some big thing whr i'll link or even put up a tagboard.
& don't expect me to have frequent updates alright.
we'll see how long this can last.
it's just 11 days to syf, i really hope tht th choir will do our utmost.
aft tht those who study loads can just resume their normal routines (x
i'm confused. i want to know, what am i supposed to think?
you are confusing me.
well its just this simple website tht i wld pen down [type] what i feel etc.
its not gna be some big thing whr i'll link or even put up a tagboard.
& don't expect me to have frequent updates alright.
we'll see how long this can last.
it's just 11 days to syf, i really hope tht th choir will do our utmost.
aft tht those who study loads can just resume their normal routines (x
i'm confused. i want to know, what am i supposed to think?
you are confusing me.
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